September 5th, 2024

From Mars to Main Street: Edge Computing’s Cosmic Connection

I’m no rocket scientist, but if I were, I imagine I would be interested in this whole concept of Edge Computing just the same. Both fields are about pushing the boundaries of what is possible out on the edges of our controlled environments.

At first glance, launching a probe into space and deploying an application on the edge seem like two completely different things. One involves complex engineering to transport, communicate, and operate in the vast unknown of space, while the other focuses on optimizing software for low-latency performance on resource-constrained devices. However, upon closer examination, these two seemingly different exploits share surprising similarities.

1. Constrained Environments: Both space exploration and edge computing operate under tight constraints. You can’t take advantage of the vast resources of cloud computing, whether you’re on Mars or in a remote store location. Both require optimization for limited processing power, storage, and network connectivity.

In both cases, these constraints drive innovation within the field. Engineers and developers are forced to think creatively to overcome these challenges. In the case of edge computing, this means using lightweight frameworks, purpose-built software, and efficient pipelines to deliver high-performance applications on constrained devices.

2. Autonomous Resilience: Edge devices, not unlike space probes, must be able to operate autonomously in harsh environments. Whether it’s a rover operating on Mars or a server operating quietly in a backroom closet, these devices must be able to handle unexpected conditions and continue to function without human intervention.

Development of software running at the edge must prioritize self-resilience, as they need to operate in sometimes disconnected environments. This means building in self-healing capabilities, robust error handling, and the ability to fail fast and restart from unexpected conditions. Knowing that failure is always an option with an edge application, designing for ephemeral states and rapid recovery is key to success.

3. Command & Control across the Distributed Edge: Managing a fleet of probes scattered across the solar system necessitates a sophisticated command and control system. Similar challenges exist in managing an edge solution, where endpoints are dispersed and require centralized oversight while minimizing bandwidth consumption.

In practice, this means that you might not be able to capture every data point from every device, as the aggregate data can be overwhelming. Instead, you need to design a system that can efficiently communicate with and manage a large number of devices while only transmitting the most critical information. Automation for fan-out and fan-in of commands, deployments, and telemetry is essential to managing a distributed edge system.

Another key aspect of edge solutions is the use of an eventual consistency model. This approach allows devices to function autonomously and then synchronize with a central system when connectivity becomes available, applicable to configurations, updates, and application deployments. Similar to space probes operating independently until they establish communication with Earth, edge devices can continue to function normally until connecting with a central system, ensuring data synchronization and network consistency.

The Edge Frontier

While the scale and scope may differ, launching probes into space and designing applications for the edge share fundamental similarities that highlight the challenges of operating in a constrained, distributed, and autonomous environment. Both fields require innovative solutions to overcome these challenges, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the vast unknown of space and across our distributed edges.

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Dillon TenBrink


STL Partners



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